RSS means «R» eally «S» imple «S» yndication.
RSS feeds are written in a simple format - web code or language.
Because it's simple, an RSS feed can be syndicated i.e. viewed in a wide variety of media, e.g.: visual (your screen), aural (screen
reader) and print (newspapers).
RSS literally «Feeds» the content of the Tanja Baumann Fitness Feed into your news reader or web site.
Every time Tanja releases a new article, it automatically gets released to all Tanja Baumann RSS Fitness Feed Subscribers.
Your news reader or web site automatically checks your subscriptions each time you open them - and the new items(s) will be visible immediately!
- Enables you to view newly-added Fitness and Health Academy Library Articles as soon as they are released.
- Ensures that the next time you open your news reader or web site, you will receive new article content immediately.
- A subscription to this service:
- Is, of course, free of charge;
- Does NOT require any registration of your personal information;
- Is covered by the Tanja Baumann Privacy Policy.
- Stay up to date with the latest fitness information available from the Tanja Baumann Fitness and Health Academy.
- You can see what the Tanja Baumann News Feed looks like on the right side of your screen.
How do I Subscribe to the Tanja Baumann Fitness Feed?
- Home Users:
- To subscribe, you will need a News Reader Get a News Reader or other similar device.
- News Reader installed? Drag this RSS Button
into your Subscriptions list.
- Alternatively, you can drag or copy and paste the following web address into your Subscriptions list:
- Really Simple Subscription, isn't it?
- Webmasters:
- Use the following feed code to display Tanja Baumann fitness content on your site:
- Select all the text, then drag or copy and paste onto the web pages(s) where you wish to display Tanja's Fitness Feed;
- In case you asked yourself: «Why the NOSCRIPT tag?».
It enables a display of the feed in HTML for users who don't have - or want - JavaScript.
- See the result on the right of this screen -
div width="18%"
View the demonstration page to see the result in
div width="33.3%" & "50%", float="left" & "right"
- NB: Have your own RSS Feed? Want to serve it on other web sites?
Build Your Own RSS Feed Code Now.
- Feel free to present the Fitness Feed in the way that best «FITS» your web site page, e.g. table cell or div column with a prescribed width.
- All we ask is that you:
- Leave the document encoding as is, without any alterations.
- Check the fitness directory submission rules and guidelines - to be sure that your site fits our
allowed categories.
- We reserve the right to deny access to web site types that are included in our «Never, ever, link to
Get the
Tanja Baumann Fitness Feed
To see a selection of the best news readers on the web, please:
- Type «rss news readers» in the Search Box in the middle of the main navigation area.
- Select «WWW» - changes Google Site Search to Google Web Search.
- Hit the Search Button and Google will do the rest for you.
- Last but not least - don't forget to choose and download your news reader!
© Tanja Baumann 1996 - 2021
Site Updated: Monday, 05-Apr-2021 10:24:25 EDT