Hi fitness visitor, welcome to my Switzerland - Swiss sports and friends links directory.
Here you will find links, many of whom have been fitness clients of mine, to Swiss fitness studios / gyms, personal trainers, bodybuilding clubs, natural-based muscle building / bodybuilding guides, other sports and personal friends as well as their location by town and Swiss canton.
All sites on this page are focussed on Switzerland in the Swiss section of the International links directory.
Search Switzerland friends and sports for your Swiss fitness information needs.
International Directory Web Links
- Sportquiz Schweiz - Das Schweizer Sportportal - Neuenegg (BE).
- Fitness CH - Ihr Schweizer Fitness-Portal, Fitnesscenter, Fitnessgeräte, Ernährungsinfos,
Stellenangebote, Gratiskleinanzeigen, Forum und Fitness-Verszeichnis - Zollikon, (ZH).
- Church Air 03 - Aid street children in Rumania - Küsnacht (ZH).
- Stefan Wieser Productions - Events, regionale Events, Massage, Aikido, Therapie, Gesundheit, Wellness, Fitness und Fotos - Halten (SO).
- Foto Wagner - Spezialisiert auf Sport und sportliche Aktionen Fotografie. U.a. Handballspiele, Fußballpartien, Radsporttagen, Landhockeyspielen und Schwimmwettkämpfen - Siglistorf (AG).
Webmasters - Reciprocal Links
To add your site to the Switzerland links directory - Swiss sports and friends - only for Swiss-based sites, any domain extension OK, please:
- Check the fitness directory submission rules and guidelines.
- Review the reciprocal links submission procedure.
- Select the submit URL link and complete the form with the following information:
- Your site category and location - town (city) and canton for sports and friends Swiss sites located in Switzerland, town (city) and country for sports sites aimed at, but not based in, Switzerland.
- Your web site's title, URL address, a brief description and your preferred link theme.
- Our reciprocal link URL link page address - required to be included in this directory.
- Select the submit URL banners link if you want to use one of my banners.
Thanks for the link!